Tofazzal murder: The most disgusting example of a culture of impunity

Repoter : News Room
Published: 21 September, 2024 2:18 pm
Faijul Islam

Faijul Islam: The man was killed after being fed. His name is Tofazzal. Being traumatized by a love affair in personal life causes some loss of emotional balance at first. Within a few days Tofazzal’s mother, father and only elder brother died. In the last 3/4 years, Tofazzal lost his mental balance completely without family and guardians. For the past 2/3 years, Tofazzal used to roam around Dhaka University campus often. He didn’t need much other than food and money.

A group of Dhaka University students killed this man in an extrajudicial killing. Basically, this incident happened around mobile theft. Six mobile phones were stolen during a cricket game between students in the hall field in the afternoon. Later, when he entered the Fazlul Haque Hall around 8 o’clock during the game, some students arrested him. They think Tofazzal is stealing the mobile. He was taken to the guest room and interrogated and lightly beaten by some of the students. Later he was taken to the guest room again after being given food and drink. There he was beaten to death. The accused students did not leave Tofazzal even after knowing that he was mentally unstable. The proctorial team of the university, the senior students failed to convince them in various ways. The killers demanded Tk two-lakh before killing Tofazzal.

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For a long time, we have noticed that Bangladesh’s human rights have been reduced to a point where it cannot be said that people’s human rights are upheld. Human rights are in dire straits. Justice has declined, people have lost their claim to rights. Extrajudicial killings are tantamount to extrajudicial killings. No religion including Islam condones extrajudicial killings. According to the belief of the followers of Islam, on the Day of Judgment Allah has reserved the power to grant forgiveness for all sins except two types of sins. Those involved in these two types of sins are debtors and murderers. In both cases, the sin is absolved if the victims of the sin forgive, not otherwise.

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Homicide is a serious and heinous crime. Homicide is punishable by death or life imprisonment depending on the country. Causing death by an act with intent to cause death is called culpable homicide. Culpable homicide is considered murder. Extrajudicial killing is not recognized by law as it is essentially culpable homicide or murder. In the case of extrajudicial killings unless a belief can be formed that ‘the killing was not committed with intent to cause death,’ there is reasonable cause to believe that the killing was committed with intent to cause death. The killing of Tofazzal killing is undoubtedly homicide or murder. As a citizen, it seems that ethics and values ​​have lost their place. Not only the beating, but the story behind the incident was pathetic , his family was called and demanded money. So where did the thing go? There is a need to create awareness among the people, among the students. The most important thing right now is to motivate and make people aware. There is no alternative.The execution of the murderers of Abrar Fahad has not yet been carried out but we want the execution of the murderers of Tofazzal. Extra judicial killings are not acceptable in any country free from dictatorship. Whoever is involved in these murders, be it the coordinator or whoever, must be brought to justice. Killing someone after eating rice is an unprecedented example. People of the world should not see this scene again, we want Justice.

Author is an Apprentice Advocate, Barguna District Bar Association.