DIU Organized Master Class on Criminal Procedure

Raisul Sourav : The Department of Law, Dhaka International University (DIU) has organized a Master Class on the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898 and Its Application in the Court Premises on 13 May 2023. Justice A N M Bashir Ullah, Former Judge, High Court Division, Supreme Court of Bangladesh addressed the audience as distinguished speaker. Prof. Dr. Saiful Islam, Vice Chancellor, DIU attended the Master Class as Chief Guest while Prof. Dr. AWM Abdul Huq, Dean, Faculty of Law, DIU presided over the session. Master class is a unique initiative of Dhaka International University where prominent national and international experts, academics, practitioners and professionals take advanced level class on a given topic for the students.
Raisul Islam Sourav, Asst. Prof. and Chairperson, Dept. of Law, DIU delivered welcome speech at the beginning of the event. He welcomed the resource person, faculty members and students for their contribution to make the master class successful. Afterwards, Justice A N M Bashir Ullah started his lecture while he initially focused on the emergence of criminal justice system in Indian subcontinent. Then he discussed the evolution of the Code of Criminal Procedure, the court structures, jurisdictions, police investigation, bail etc. The speaker also shared his vast experiences as a judge of both the subordinate courts and supreme court. Lastly, he answered the queries of the students and advised them to work hard to become a successful lawyer in their upcoming life.
The program finished with a vote of thanks by Prof. Dr. AWM Abdul Huq whereas Mobarak Hossain, Lecturer, Dept. of Law, DIU emceed the event. Dr. Huq expressed his thankfulness to the speaker, other teachers and students for their spontaneous participation in the event and declared that DIU will further arrange these types of intellectual events more frequently in coming days to enrich the students.
Raisul Sourav, Assistant Professor & Chairperson, Department of Law, Dhaka International University (DIU).