ট্রান্সপারেন্সি ইন্টারন্যাশনাল বাংলাদেশ (টিআইবি)

অ্যাডভোকেসি অ্যান্ড লিগ্যাল অ্যাডভাইজ এ ফ্যাসিলিটেটর নিয়োগ

পদের নাম : Facilitator – Advocacy & Legal Advice Centre (ALAC)


খালি পদের সংখ্যা : ০১

চাকরির বিবরণ/দায়িত্বসমূহ

  • Provide legal advice and information to the clients;
  • Maintain close collaboration with Committee of Concerned Citizens (CCC) and TIB Dhaka Office in relation to ALAC program implementation in CCC;
  • Play a leading role in ALAC advocacy and campaign activities at the local level;
  • Oversee the development and management of proper and effective case management systems;
  • In consultation with Panel Lawyers establish an internal review mechanism to ensure the quality of legal assistance provided to clients;
  • Ensure that the ALAC collects, analyses and uses data effectively (e.g., internal review, fulfilling reporting requirements) and promote the use of ALAC data to the public and institutions (e.g., advocacy campaigns, regular press releases and reporting);
  • Promote partnerships with government institutions (e.g., Anti-Corruption Commission-ACC, District Legal Aid Committee, Law Enforcing Agency, Legal service providing GOs and NGOs) which facilitate the resolution of ALAC cases;
  • Identify and develop effective relationships with relevant institutions who can support the work of the ALACs and their clients; (e.g., District Administration, Judges, Bar Council, ACC, District Legal Aid Committee, Law Enforcing Agency, Legal service providing GOs and NGOs);
  • Promote external understanding of and support for ALACs;
  • Provide effective support to core actors especially YES and YES Friends in CCC areas by identifying appropriate modalities / strategies for and effective implementation of ALAC;
  • Facilitate capacity development of YES and YES Friends to play supportive role in the implementation of ALAC and collect and compile ALAC related cases from Satellite AI-Desks;
  • Facilitate publicity to popularize ALAC in the locality using different locally available and innovative publicity tools;
  • Receive, record and respond to complaints coming to ALAC through letters, mobile calls/SMS and emails and/or other social media or other available means of communications;
  • Provide technical support for analyzing, sorting and referring the applicable cases to relevant partner organization/s
  • Liaise with TIB HQ to further strengthen ALAC advocacy programme, coordination with key stakeholders, particularly TIB’s core actors, relevant government legal service providing organs like
  • District Legal Aid Committees and Legal service providing NGOs;
    Identify opportunities for collaboration, formulate joint initiatives to maximize impact and efficiency, and minimize duplication of efforts;
  • Maintain database of ALAC and update ALAC Sub-Committee with necessary information and seek guidance as deemed necessary;
  • Conduct regular meeting and communication with partner organizations to follow up the referral cases;
  • Prepare necessary progress reports on ALAC activities; and
  • Perform any other duties assigned by the management.

চাকরির ধরন : পার্ট টাইম

শিক্ষাগত যোগ্যতা :
Applicants must have a University Graduate Degree in Law (preferable), Communications or Social Sciences;
Candidate with 3rd Division or CGPA less than 2.5 on a scale of 4 or 3 on a scale of 5 at any level of their education need not apply.

অভিজ্ঞতা : কমপক্ষে ২ বছর

অন্যান্য যোগ্যতা

  • বয়স ৩৫ বছর অথবা এর নীচে
  • Applicants should have at least 2 years’ experience in one of the core areas of ALAC management (legal advice, project management, communication, advocacy);
  • Applicants having 2 years working experience under a senior level legal practitioner is also eligible to apply;
  • Applicants should be within age limit of 35 years;
  • Good knowledge on issues of governance, law, corruption, development is desirable;
  • Experience in social mobilization work will be considered as an added advantage; and

কর্মস্হল : Mymensingh Division

অন্যান্য সুবিধাদি
Consolidated honorarium is Tk. 20,000.00 per month. Income tax is payable by TIB staff, deductible at source.

Before applying for your intended position, please read the following carefully in this link: http://mis.ti-bangladesh.org/hrv/upload/alac-nov_17.pdf

আবেদনের শেষ তারিখ : ডিসেম্বর ৩, ২০১৭

ল’ইয়ার্স ক্লাব বাংলাদেশ ডটকম জব ডেস্ক