Women Have to Build their Own Fortune

Advocate Shahanur Islam: In the traditional societies, dignity and respect of women did not receive any significant value. Along the course of social revolutions and creations, the system of the society walked up to modernism, hence they were recognized a valuable role both in the family and society. Islam attributed the foundation of progress and advance of human society to woman by establishing their right and equal respect.
It also declared that women have a special place and right juxtapose the mankind in the society. Various government rules and regulations were litigated by the demand of time. Nonetheless repression of women is often heard to some strata of the society. In some cases, the repression outfights the middle age brutality.
The term ‘repression’ is not well defined. But we may think it to have two sorts, these include physical and mental. Mental torture sometime can be seen sharply harder than physical torture. Yet today assaults of peace, torment are very common seen in the country from street to street, from home to home, all around is tempered, today the women society is battered, cleaved and scaled under the struck of ruthless claw of some manlike stupid beasts. Acid chars the body and heart of human being. Humanity is flamed and human rights fall over. If we are men of educated society of the modern world, why does the diabolic brutality still rush in the wind, in the air? Why this wild-joy of brutality?
We shall do whatever we need to do so that we gain the equal skill of men. If so required we must make us all from Lady-Clark to Lady Magistrate, Lady Barrister, Lady Judge and all there are. The wishes she made are mostly success today. Because now we have our women in top level posts- magistrate, barrister, SP, Secretary, Pilot, Military and defense force’s ranks, foreign minister, leadership in opposite party, and even woman Prime Minister exists in the country now.
This is not at all, our country is observing a long period abound 15 years of regnant. But could it have ensured liberty to these simple dolts, the victims of serious crimes- rape, kill, abduction, monger of child and women, their succumb to prostitution, night bar, abuse, hijack, robbery or the fire of acid? I amaze to think that women are concerned about their goodness and badness, rules and customs yet by men. They determine what is good for women. Where women have to representation, and when a decision goes against paternalism it is disobeyed, all thinks that are disfavor of women or unlucky for them are committed by men.
Women must remember that the British Empire legitimated rules by keeping their ego interest intact; likewise men never do anything that might have any impending affect on their interest. It leads my orientation that women shall have to consecrate a lot for their prominent future. They must quit the so-called ‘Women Education’ designed by paternal society. It is they duty to get ‘Education’ and adopt ‘Profession’. This will render their economic freedom, independent and autonomous. They must stay ready to fight against all kinds of confrontations.
Women must keep it on mind that fundamentalists are the ultimate enemy of women development. They must learn that, nobody wants their freedom. Women must be mentally prepared to realize that they are part of human being, not just women.They must remember- feminity is only her gender identification. Women remember- they differ to men only for a chromosome, and just a chromosome cannot make one lord and other slave.
Own future must be built yourself. Men never built it for women. Women must make wishes that- “optimum future of women is to be human being, not merely women”. However, in the same time, women shall also have to remember that they cannot do anything alone without men. Right is not given by somebody to somebody, right is to be occupied. Women cannot win their right by request. So, women must build their own fortune themselves.
The writer is a human rights defender & lawyer; Recipient of JusticeMakersFellowship, Switzerland.