পদের নাম : Legal Officer
প্রতিষ্ঠানের নাম : Labib Group
খালি পদ: ০১
চাকরির দায়িত্বসমূহ
- To initiate and pursue legal proceedings as required by the Company and other pleadings in civil / criminal / commercial cases both ‘for’ and ‘against’ the Company.
- Advise on statutory compliances.
- To prepare, file and plead cases in Commercial Court in pursuit of amounts owed to the Company.
- To suggest and advise on civil / criminal / commercial matters that should be directed to external counsel.
- To liaise with and assist external Counsel in the discharge of their obligation to General Public License.
- To file oppositions in the matters where title is being passed or property is being encumbered and there are arrears due and payable to the Company.
- To research and prepare legal opinions on various civil / criminal / commercial matters including claims for compensation against the Company.
- To draft and/or review legal letters, contracts and agreements and monitor legal obligations under agreements to ensure compliance, as required by the Company from time to time.
- To represent the Company at Arbitration, Judgment and Public Utility Commission’s hearings.
- To draft, amend, review and/or recommend, modify and deal with the matters related to properties, utilities, certifications, labour, consumer right, vat, tax and other legal issues by complying with the relevant laws & regulations as applicable to the Company.
- To provide clear & transparent legal advice to the Company and put recommendations to the Management as and when required.
- To perform duties as a Legal Secretary to the Management Committee / Board of Directors of the Company.
- To submit quarterly reports to Management along with a database of the status of all court matters involved by the Company.
- Other Duties & Responsibilities as assigned by the Management from time to time.
চাকরির ধরন: ফুল টাইম
শিক্ষাগত যোগ্যতা
An Attorney-at-Law (from a Public University) with at least 3 (three) years’ practical experience in dealing with legal matters as a practicing Attorney-at-Law of a corporate house.
- ৩ থেকে ৫ বছর
- অভিজ্ঞতার ক্ষেত্র:
Lawyer, Liaison - শিল্পক্ষেত্র:
Group of Companies, Law Firm
চাকরির প্রয়োজনীয় বিষয়সমূহ
- বয়স ২৫ থেকে ৩৫ বছর
- শুধুমাত্র পুরুষরা আবেদন করতে পারবেন
- Technical understanding of Company’s Business, Operations & Concentrations in details.
- Excellent communication skills at all Levels both verbal and written.
- Problem solving and analytical skills.
- Ability to deal with multi-task and meet deadline.
- Ability to cope up with high level responsibilities and confidentialities.
- Ability to work well within a team.
- Should have Computer Literacy.
- Should be conversant with the Rural/Municipal/City Laws/By-Laws.
কর্মস্থল: Gazipur
- আলোচনা সাপেক্ষ
- Attractive Salary will be provided to the deserving Candidate.
কোম্পানীর সুযোগ সুবিধাদি: As per Company Policy
আপনার জীবনবৃত্তান্ত যেখানে পাঠাবেন cvforajobatlg@gmail.com
আবেদনের শেষ তারিখ: আগস্ট ২, ২০১৯