New law with 10 yrs jail for damaging electricity establishments

A new law with provisions of 10 years in jail and up to Tk 100 million financial penalty for damaging electricity related establishments has been cleared by the Cabinet.
Monday’s regular Cabinet meeting chaired by Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina gave the initial clearance the draft of the ‘Electricity Act 2016’.
“Vandalising power plants, sub-stations, transmission cables, poles or any other related equipments and establishments will result to jail term between seven to 10 years and up to Tk 100 million fine”, Cabinet Secretary Mohammad Shafiul Alam told the media.
Asked whether previous instances of vandalising electricity establishments will be tried under the new law, he said that the matter might be discussed when the law is presented for the final approval.
The new law has been formulated by updating the Electricity Act 1910. “Some additions have been made as well as some things have been dropped,” said the Cabinet secretary.
City Correspondent/